Tree Funding and Climate Credit Earning Modules on Testnet
We’re happy to announce the launch of Treejer's tree funding and climate credit earning modules on the Ropsten testnet and invite our community to participate in creating their forests.

Treejer protocol in a nutshell
Treejer is a Climate Action protocol connecting global tree funders to rural planters in less developed countries in a unique way that benefits all contributing partners.

In its simplest form, Treejer protocol serves tree funders (demand side) and tree planters (supply side). Tree funders get their climate credit (Oxygen) after funding trees and planters get paid using the same funds when proving they've planted and maintained those trees.
We are using the robust smart-contracts of the Ethereum blockchain to enable a decentralized climate finance and credit ownership management.
Tree funding and credit ownership modules
Today's testnet launch covers some of the main features in the demand side (Climate Financing). However not limited to, these features include:
- Personal forests
- Tree funding
- Climate credit earning
- Tree tracking
- Leaderboard
- Transaction history viewer
A safe and free sandbox to create your forests
In this context, our community can create their forests without paying network fees (Ethereum gas), try out our app, and provide feedback before the mainnet launch.
Testnet is a safe and free environment to experiment with Treejer protocol, we decided to pre-launch the protocol modules on the Ropsten test network before heading to the Ethereum mainnet. We'll be adding more features to this test environment.
Now we're actively following the Ethereum scalability solutions. There is a probability that we stay on testnet until we choose our scalability solution. Minimizing the network fees and carbon footprint are our main concerns besides decentralization and security.
Start your forest!
Feel free to test our tree funding and climate credit earning modules. If you need Ropsten ETH, here’s the official Faucet.
- Create an Ethereum wallet (skip if you have one) – We recommend to use Metamask browser wallet
- Change its network to Ropsten Test Network (Ethereum testnet)
- Get some free Ropsten ETH (to spend on planting trees)
- Visit Treejer app
- Connect your Ethereum wallet
- Expand your forest by adding trees!
If you found any bugs during your experience, feel free to report it. We usually respond in a few hours.
Disclaimer: Testnet is a testing environment and the trees you see there are not real. Also, you don't need to spend real money to fund testnet trees. It's just a simulator to show how certain features work.
By the way, your are invited to review our knowledge base and create discussions on our community forum. Feel free to express your voice!
What's next?
The next step is to launch Treejer's Ranger app, a blockchain oracle that enables some of the functions in the supply side of the protocol.
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